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Reset and refresh. Unwind and resign from the stressors.

What music sets the mood for you? 

The happy mood.
The calm mood,
The joyous mood,
The dancing mood. 

I’ve started the BrokenLeigh Beautiful playlist on Apple Music and Spotify!! Let’s make a playlist!!

Stop by my Facebook or Instagram Playlist post and let me know what songs uplift your mood and get you moving. Check out the BrokenLeigh Beautiful playlist and who knows, you might see your favorite song there.

Reset and refresh.
Unwind and resign from the stressors.

What music sets the mood for you? 

The happy mood.
The calm mood,
The joyous mood,
The dancing mood. 

I’ve started the BrokenLeigh Beautiful playlist on Apple Music and Spotify!! Let’s make a playlist!!

Stop by my Facebook or Instagram Playlist post and let me know what songs uplift your mood and get you moving. Check out the BrokenLeigh Beautiful playlist and who knows, you might see your favorite song there.